Após um motivo misterioso, Jesus viaja até a Grécia Antiga para poder matar os Deuses da Mitologia Grega.

🎮 Controles

Setinhas: anda

Espaço: Poder normal

Z: Poder melhor (pode ser usado a partir da fase do hades)


After a mysterious reason, Jesus travels to Ancient Greece in order to kill the Gods of Greek Mythology.

🎮 Controls

Arrows: walk 

Space: Normal power 

Z: Ultimate (can be used from hades stage)


👾 Update 1.3:

- Helios bug fixed

- Game icon changed

- New sound effects

🤏 Small things added:

- Background for the text in the first fase

- New background in Helios fase

- Power Z simbol and timer in hades fase (Zeus fase it doesnt appears but the power continue working)

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